Friday, November 3, 2017

Jumper EZBook 3 Pro V4 - The Best Budget Laptop Just Got Better

so I'm back here now with Jumper's EZBook 3 Pro but this time around it's the fourth revision so version numberfour and they keep improving on us so all the revisions they've made minorlittle tweaks and changes this time around we have a new touch pad it's aprecision one there's now a little tiny hatch on the bottom to easily installand upgrade and add your own SSD it has to be twenty-two by forty to spec so itshould just be the one or two screws on there you don't have to remove the wholerear case like you did with the previous models and there's also been a change inthe BIOS they have allowed us to now disable those power limits so there's noneed to do the hack if you do have a previous model then of course you canjust do that software hack but every time you reboot the system you need toreapply it and what it basically allows us to do is exceed the standard TDP theyhave on there the power limits so doing so increases performance it allows theGPU to clock a little bit higher it can hold the turbos a bit longer so itshould be the fastest and best version yet of the jumper EZBook 3 Prowhich is basically the best of the apolar Lake notebooks that I havereviewed no one seems to be able to come close to this one in terms of thekeyboard than full metal build and the IPS panel has in here so let's check itout and have a look at those changes so thanks to some of the guys on my websitethat pointed out that when they ordered from gearbest that they started to shipthis new revision otherwise it wouldn't really be aware of this one so pick thisone up here from our own personal use I sold my version 3-1 in order to get thisbecause I want them more improved better model here with the better touchpad andthat power limit disabled so the box looks exactly the same as the previousversions I can't see anything marking here that is in fact the version fourand the specs you probably know them so it's got six gigabytes of RAM that it'sactually in dual channel to three gigabyte chips they're samsung ones 64gigabyte eat MMC I think it's a Samsung but I'll take a look at that and ofcourse it's powered by the Apollo rake in 34 50 and it has a 1080p 13.

3 inchIPS screen so no changes to the power supply here twelve volts three amps thecord on it is not particularly long now you can of coursesaucer replacement all you need is a tip like this so positive in the middlenegative on the outside and it's three millimeters so the first change with theversion four is this right here it's a tiny little access hatch to install anSSD so if you want to speed things up and increase the capacity get somethinglike this this is a transcend 256 gigabyte so it's 22 millimeters by 42millimeters in length and we need to do is remove one screw here another screwinside will be in there of course fit that in and then in the bias you need togo and change that over the boot order so it actually runs off the SSD now ifyou're a bit of a modder and you want to actually install a fullsize 20 to 60 or 20 to 80 then you need to remove all these screws around theoutside break the plastic that's around here it's got like a plastic framearound in there and you can install the larger SSDs so jumper made some changesto the BIOS and that is that we can now go along and disable that power limit onthere so under the CPU settings go along to CPU power management and you'll findalong here that it says Parliament 1 enabled if you go along and set this nowto disabled this will in turn disable all of the power limits the CPU will useas much power as it wants it will shorten battery life now there is a goodcopper heatsink on this laptop so thermals it shouldn't reach them orthrottling it level but it will get hotter than by leaving that on defaultso if you're not happy with that and the stock performance is fine foryou then I recommend it's not touching this at all and leaving it alonenow previous models like the version 3 you could tweak the emmc but here youcan on this model they've used a different grade of MMC I think it's nolonger a MMC 5 spec so before what you do is go into the chipset the SCCsetting and you change this setting to high-speed 400 but I'm just gonna leaveit as stock there because when I put it on to 400 it gave me a blue screen so atleast on this one or my batch it's not gonna workone minor change here as well as they do have the latest Windows 10 imageon here so we've got English Spanish Russian and Chinese as the initiallanguages on this Windows 10 home okay so we through all the windows setup ofcourse I just wanted to show you a couple of things so there is a bit of acon here that the MMC is very poor here this is a generic in card in myexperience that'll be either a for C or B win one I won't know until I actuallytake the whole back office and physically look at it but they don'ttend to be very fast at all so this has come at the cost of the improvementshaving that precision touchpad which you can see here it's definitely a precisiontouchpad you can control those gestures I've been using it now just a little bitand it is so much better than the original one we used to have that wasjust a standard one and quite a average poor touchpad on that so Windows whenyou first get it installed and while setup we have forty five point sixgigabytes free there and I'm just benchmarking now the drive here to seehow fast it is and it's not looking very fast at all but so far I haven't reallynoticed any slowdown getting around Windows because of this Drive so a fewuses in my form have also pointed out that there is this application herethat's within that Windows 10 image me ming-mingwind clients it doesn't look good at all like some sort of backdoor or trojan butvirus scans sulphides come up clean I think it's got something to do with thisChinese app on here I don't know what it is anyone read Chinese well there'll bea few of you out there please let me know what this actually says and nowthat emmc benchmark is just finishing up you can see not very fast at all it'sMMC four point five point one spec and I highly recommend going with one of thesean SSD that really opens and speed things up not only does it give you morestorage of course just applications load up faster boot times slightly faster aswell and overall it just feels a little bit quicker I have also noticed that thetexture of the touchpad now is a little bit rougher here so it's got more of amatte coating to the other one was a little bit smoother shinierthat probably helps too but overall so far using this touchpad really impressedwith it it's definitely so much better than the original one there used andjust double checking here with HW info that yes the power limits were disabledyou can see along here it says power unlimited time unlimited so it willturbo for as long as it wants and use as much power as it needs okay so there wego that's the jumper easy book 3 Pro the version number 4 or the revision number4 that they've done on this so that kept tweaking and improving it and it reallyis an amazing laptop for the price considering what you're getting at IPSpanel really good battery life you get about 8 hours out of this now the ApolloLake is not a powerhouse of a chipset but with that power limit disabled itperforms a lot better than other notebooks out there that do not let ustweet that seating at all the improved touchpad is a welcome change and in factthey're most welcome to change their on that is the best thing they've done isget rid of that kind of crappy touchpad they had on the previous one so a hugeimprovement there now other things of course like thateasy access slot just means getting an SSD and there's a little bit easier alittle bit faster and as I mentioned I have done a full review of this laptopbut that was the first model that was released so this is even better now butmake sure you check that out if you haven't really for the 220 or so us thisis selling for you cannot get any better and trust me I've tested now probablyabout six or seven of these Apollo Lake laptops and this one tops all of themand if they continue with this kind of trend hopefully the new Gemini Lakelaptop that's going to be coming out next year probably by then that's thesuccessor to the Apollo Lake will be something really good and hopefully alsoaround this price range thanks for watching this unboxing and just previewreally of the changes that they've made on the EZBook 3 Pro.

Source: Youtube

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