Saturday, November 11, 2017

How to Download & Install Nvidia Graphic Driver for Laptop & PC 2017

Hello Everybody Today We're Gonna go Ahead and install the NVidia Proprietary Drivers in Order to Utilize The Gpu Acceleration for Password Cracking Now before I Begin I would advise you to actually Just Follow along with this and not Actually, do what I do? I mean you Definitely Can it's Within the realm of Possibility I will show you each Step of the Way But the Thing is when you? Perform The Proprietary driver Installation on Fedora you Can encounter ProbleMs and That Can Mess up your Graphics Pretty Badly I mean not do Any Physical Harm but Just you're Gonna have to go if you messed things up It will have to go Into The Rescue Mode Boot With basic drivers or with the Init 3 The run Level 3 and then attempt to fit and attempt to Repair from There I Don't know this can't Happen It Generally i mean as far as I read in The Forums everything Seems to Work Just fine With Fedora 22 23 and 24 so Yeah you Can see what I do but you don't Necessarily Have to do it because and also Keep in Mind that the nVidia The NVidia Drivers Are Proprietary and Closed Source so You Are introducing a, Kernel Paint to your system A Binary blob so as Soon as I am Done With this Course I will Perform a system-wide Reinstall Because I wish to Purge it of all Binary Blobs and of all the and I don't really need the NVidia Drivers for Anything other Than Actually Password Cracking Because Those in Video Cards Argit Are Generally being Passed to the Virtual Machines on Windows Where They're Closed drivers Function in A closed Source drivers Function in A secluded closed Environment the Way They, don't actually have full system Access Anyway However if you, do want to do this if you, do want to see the Speed of the gpu let Me Show you how I am going to install the NVidia Drivers and use them with hash Gap Also This is doable Perfectly Doable with the amd Graphic Cards The driver Installation is Fairly similar you Still need to Proprietary amd Drivers I'm not gonna Show how to do that because I am the Card That's Currently Tied to my main System and I really Can and Aside from that I can't i'm Gonna Encounter a ton load of Problems if I install the Proprietary NVidia and amd drivers That's Gonna That's Gonna Cause A lot of Problems Aside from that I've Actually Plugged the Plug The amd Card out so as not to Cause any Conflicts during the Process I only Have NVidia Cards Inside Now Let's go and have a look at.

What, we can do? First Thing to do Is type in Ls Pci Ingress and I vga Okay, so here you will See that your NVidia Cards are Recognized One Two however Many you have in the system They need to be Listed Here in Order for them to be A Recognized This Is how you know that they are at least Recognized by the system it might Say Well I can See the Picture on the Screen Yes that's all fine but you Still need to do this to verify that They are Visible Here and Aside from that you will be able to see the Bottle of your Graphic card here so its Geforce GTX 970 The next Step to do Is to go over to the nVidia Website and type in NVidia Driver Download I'm just done With the first One From the Top and Just click the first One From the Top and it's Geforce 900 Series Because its 970, okay so 970 Linux 64-bit if your System Is 32-bit, well Just Select linux 32-bit and go Ahead and Click on search and There you go Version Three Six seven Point Two seven very important you can go Ahead and Click on download and Click on agree and Download and Then Click on save I'm not gonna do that because I've Already downloaded them Twice and They're Already Installed Here so Once You Have actually done that you Can Close the Browser and you Can Navigate Over to your downloads Folder in The Terminal you need to be Route Downloads and Then do Ls Grab - I envy iso NVidia and you can See I've Already downloaded it twice now you need to type in ch, Mod + x N VD and type in NVidia On A sexily 664 360 77 dot run We are Gonna Change the Permissions for this file to be Executable That's One of The beauties of Linux Is That all Files Downloaded from the net Regardless of What sort of an Extension do they have are not Executive Or by default Which is a Fantastic Security Measure that Is put in Place it's not like Windows and Windows if You have dot x it's an it Can Execute But in Linux it doesn't Matter what extension you have if you, don't have the execute Permissions on the file it's not Gonna Happen ok, the next Thing that we need to do, Is Make sure that our system is Up to Date so dnf Update and Perform an Update of your System and Then Reboot Afterwards Just in Case So i probably Shouldn't Have Started this Process but I don't think I have Many Updates Anyway or I shouldn't have as I did Update the system Yesterday There Are Frightening Amount of Updates for linux but it's not for linux Actually Because the linux Update System Is and There You go I actually do Have things that I need Updated The Fascinating Thing About linux Is that it doesn't just Update the system Itself like on Windows Instead it Updates Everything that was it Updates all of your Programs that you Have installed Via The Repositories so Everything Installed from Repositories Is Updated With This Command Which is Fantastic because you don't need a hundred Different Update Programs Running on your system for Various Programs Rather Instead They Have a Unified Point of Update Which is Marvelous and You Can you Can Reboot the system Actually linux for the most part during These Updates doesn't Require a reboot.

Unless it's like The Kernel, Or maybe a C linux, or something like that, oh? Not even Sc.

Linux Because this Is Just the Policy Update Unless it's the Kernel I don't think that There is Generally A need to Reboot the System but Reboot Just in Case and then come Back okay so the next Thing that you need to do Is Install a, Bunch of Dependencies Which We arguing which the drivers Are Going to Require so type in dnf Install General - Devil Kernel - Heather's GCC the Compiler will, also need Two more Packages Which Is dkMs and a cp, Id and There You go So i just need to Install These one like One Two Three Four five Packages and They're Already Installed here so No need for me to do it all over again But your Installation might Take a While so the next thing to do is to actually Disable the default no I Can't Really Pronounce This driver Name it's No Foul Driver for the Nvidia Graphics Cards Which Is pretty Good but As far as as far as my Knowledge goes They Didn't implement 3D Acceleration Not just yet So type in echo Black List Wow And then Let's See Mod Probe Blacklist Kampf if You don't have the blacklist Conference Fine Just type it in Anyway and it's going to be Created and This is the line that you will Require now the next thing that We need to do is Actually Edit the Edit The Grub File So type in v I am if you don't have the Imt and dnf Install the im Vi m Let's See this config Grub Press I to enter the insert Mode go down to eat Grub cmD line and Go to the end of it So look This part This is something Specific to my machine Forget About this part you don't need that You Just need This Particular line Here So our Ddot driver Dot Black List Equals Novo and That's what you need to type in then Press escape : WQ or write Quit And Clear the Screen With Ctrl L Now, We need to actually Update the Configuration Which We have Just Made so Grub 2 Dot Mk? Config - oh and Now There are Two paths so one Is if you are using the Ufi bios and the other one if You are using the Legacy Bios So this Is for the Ufi bios because most machines will be using the uf Id by Us FVFv Fedora Grub Dot C f G and press enter if You are using the if you are using the The Legacy Bios then Just type in Grow up to Grub Dot C of G and press enter so one of the two Commands Okay so next stage is to type in tnf Remove X Org Ash x 11 - dr.

V - no No I'm Just Checking my Spelling for my notes and yes I am Reading from my notes it's It's kind of Hard to think about These things While you actually are Actually typing and Talking about them at the same Time so I do need reminders and Just Press enter Here With this Command to Remove This And then We need to generate the New in it Frames Basically draw - Boot in it - then we're Gonna need to Get our Colonel Name so your Name - are the Dollar sign Treats this like It's gonna Take the Output of the of the Of the you Name - Chart Command and it's gonna Place it here Which will be our Kernel Version Dot I am G and then, we need the dollar sign again You Name - R and Just Close This that's it so it might give you some Problems here like will not, Override Existing Just A - - Force so it's telling you what you can do if you type in - - Force it will Override them this might Take it this Might Take a while so don't don't Panic if it doesn't happen Instantly Once You press enter Here This Process Takes awhile and the next Thing that you need to do is set run level To 3 now Once You set run level To 3 You're Going to be booting Without Any sort of gui Interface so Keep that in Mind you will need A cell Phone or something like that Where you will be able to Continue Watching this tutorial because Once You Reboot the you will only have the Terminal Interface Keep it in mind System CTl Set default Multi-User Target and Press enter This is going to set your run, level to Three and upon Reboot you will Boot, Into the gui Into The Terminal Without Any Gui of Whatsoever Now you will need To at this Point of Time you will need to Reboot your Machine but before you, do the Rest of This Tutorial will Actually Continue With Slides you just need to type in A few Commands and answer A few Questions that systems Asks you and then set The run, level back To 5 So that you May be Into Gui Back up again so i probably, won't be doing Any Talking There I'll it'll be Just a bunch of Slides Guiding You Through the Commands Which you need to type in and then when you? And then you're Probably going to need to Reboot again and Once that is done, We will go Into the Hash Cat and See how to install that for the Gpu usage for Password Cracking so Let's go Ahead I'm Gonna go Ahead and Bid you Farewell Here and the next tutorial will Most likely be Just Slides for you to follow Through so you can Follow Them on your Phone and do Them on your Pc because as i said you'll Be in Run Level 3 and There will be no gui Interface of Whatsoever you.

Source: Youtube

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