Friday, November 3, 2017

Does Your Laptop Trackpad Suck? Upgrade it for Free!

so this is a video that's not one of myregular hardware videos it's about something that has plagued Windowslaptops for a really long time it's this issue that just keeps popping up hereand there and doesn't matter if your laptop is new or old or expensive orcheap it doesn't matter because you can still have this issueit's the trackpads there are Windows laptops out there lots of them that havereally crappy trackpads and it boils down to one thingsoftware if you have great Hardware like this one glass surface great buttonmechanics but it's got crappy software it's running eland drivers and if you'reone of those laptop owners that's running something with an eland driveror synaptic driver you're not having a good time with your trackpad at leastyou can have a better time with your trackpad using Windows precision driversand this video explains how to put those drivers onto your existing laptops sofirst you have to figure out whether your laptop is running eland drivers orsynaptic drivers and to do that you just go into control panel check out thedevice manager and you'll be able to see what you're running and if you're notrunning either one of those to your other running Windows precision driversalready or you're running something weird that this video can't help youwith okay once you figure out which one you have either a LAN or synaptics youdownload one of the two files that are linked in the video description one isfor people with synaptic trackpads and the others for people with elandtrackpads and depending on which one you have just download the appropriate onebut in case you're wondering both of these files are actually from Lenovothey weren't meant for this kind of hack that we're doing and they were meant forsomething else obviously but they work perfectly for this kind of replacementof the synaptic or Elan trackpad drivers so once you have the file you extract iteither by running the exe or unzipping it and it'll place all the files into afolder called drivers in your route and then you go into your device manageragain right-click your trackpad whether it's the e line one or a synaptic oneand then you go update driver browse my computer choose let me pick and thenclick on have disc now if you have a laptop with an eland driver you go forthe ETD INF file and for laptops with a synaptic trackpad choose the synapticdriver so basically you're replacing the existing drivers on your laptop whetherthey be eland or synaptics and you're replacing them with Windows 10like the windows precision touchpad drivers which are so much better and thebiggest difference we'll notice is I mean tracking is smooth and everythingtracking is just much more accurate with the winners precision drivers but thebig one is gestures being able to use the Windows 10 gestures both accuratelyand reliably makes the trackpad so much better okay before you run off to dothis I need to leave a couple kind of disclaimers with you first you do thisat your own risk I've obviously tested this on many computers probably 40 maybe50 laptops and for the laptop so this worked on they've been great but for theones that it didn't work on if you exploded No for the ones I tend to workon they just the drivers just won't update windows will be like sorry budyou can't take these drivers and that's the end of that but the other thing tokeep in mind is that you can't let windows overwrite your new drivers withlike an automatic windows update that's very very annoying because sometimes youwon't even know that it's updated and all of a sudden the trackpad is goneback to its old disgusting self and you'll have to figure out that hey it'sbecause Windows overrode it and you'll have to redo the process so you justneed to make sure that you're kind of downloading the appropriate update youdon't want to download something that's like the new île an or the newsynaptics driver you want to avoid those and the other thing to keep in mind isthat if if you want to you should probably backup or find abackup of your old existing drivers in case you want to revert back to them sogo to your manufacturer download that driver in advance before you do any ofthis stuff before you try it ok hope you guys enjoyed this video I really hopethis was helpful because this is existed for probably over a year kind of it'sgone better over time especially with a new Lenovo driver that just recentlycame out like maybe two three weeks ago it's way better now this works on a lotof laptops enjoy okay thumbs we liked this video subs have you loved it.

Source: Youtube

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