Friday, October 27, 2017

How to Repair Your Broken Canon EOS LCD Screen - Rebel T3i / 600d

this ever happened to you? (oh crap!) the don't cry little man I'm gonna show you how to fix it checkit out! (music) this is our little Canon t3i and I uses to shoot everything on myYouTube channel and like probably many of you out there I dropped it the other day and cracked the little LCD screen Yep, what a shame.

The good news is it'snot very hard to fix it so we're just gonna take our time here spin this little guy around.

Take these twoscrews out I'm hoping you guys can see that on the side here there's two more littlescrews they're really hard to see see you gotta look close for these little boogers.

Weshould be able to pop this back off.

There we go and that exposes the goods here I've got our replacement part right hereyou can see what it is in comparison so this isdefinitely what we're after here for the connectorI think I'm zoomed in far enough to see this to take the ribbon out you flip this guy up right here.

You just gotta get your thumb nail under there flip that little piece of plastic up andthe ribbon slides right out to install is just the exact opposite You just push the ribbon in all the wayand then flip that little plastic clip down then there's a couple more than screwsright here that hold our back plate in.

we've got two more screws here right next tothe ones we took out right at the beginning Now this should be free andclear we should also be able to lift this assemblyout so we're gonna keep that in the same orientation that it was.

We're going to be very mindful of how everything is going together here then we're going to separate our LCD from theback plate there's some adhesive on here and that'swhat I'm fighting with just a little bit trying toget it to loosen up.

Trying not to crack our PC board you know good here (struggling) (POP!) (POP!) Here we are.

Again we want to be careful not to mess up the orientationhere okay we've got our new screen here its gonna go in this orientation We're going to squeeze it on there insert the ribbon There we go, that little guy flips up.



, so assembly is just opposite of tear down squeeze of of these little guys in.

Make sure you pushthese tabs here forward and we'll get this little assembly in.

you want to make sure that this piecehasn't twisted ninety degrees on you because it can Your screws won't line up if youdo twist it ninety so keep that in mind.

First one's I'm going to put in are these little guys in the corners then we're going to do these guys next I can't remember if it's the inner or the outer.

Looks like the outer.

You want to be sure when you get to thesides crews here these are actually a little smaller screw so just make note of that the small ones go into the side before we put it all back together.

I'llturn on for a little test drive here hey hey hey check it check it and I can see that I left the plastic onhear so I gotta pull this back apart and do this again but that's how you fix these things andnot not very difficult to do cost me abouttwenty dollars in parts took me about 15 minutes in in real time.

That's it for the Canon t3irepair I hope I never have to make this videoagain.

I think I just need to be morecareful with my cameras in the shop so hopefully that helps you guys out.

Don'tyour meat loaf!.

Source: Youtube

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