Thursday, October 26, 2017

Rich Man's BURDEN - Short Action Comedy Film (Canon 600D/T3i)


So as ya'll know, your target today islocal millionaire Alex Jackmon.

He flunked out of a deal with our crew a coupleof months back and snitched on us to the cops.

I want him dead.

He lives in the last brickhouse up here on the left.

Find him, Kill him, and we'll split his wealth.

Alright, you wont be disappointed.

Alright, lets do dis Essae.

Yeah, get the stilettos, 10 grand? yeah that'sfine.


Who is this again? Felisha.

Ohh yeahhh, well Felisha im goingto have to let you go, i have some unintended guests that need to be welcomed.

Alright Iknow you do, bye.

Ohh! Sorry Essae! Doesn't matter, Wheres he at?! NO PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!.

Source: Youtube

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